Not Sure If Your Bathroom Really Needs Remodeling?

Not Sure If Your Bathroom Really Needs Remodeling?

Not Sure If Your Bathroom Really Needs Remodeling?

The logic behind procrastinating when it comes to signing a home improvement company on to remodel your bathroom goes a bit like this: "I’d like to remodel, sure, but is it really necessary at this particular point in time?" While a better aesthetic isn’t always reason enough to make remodeling a priority, if you look closely you might find the warning signs that move you off the fence. Here are some tell-tale signs and circumstances that should get you in the right frame of mind for dialing a remodeling company!

1. A leaky bathroom is in need of remodeling, not a touch-up!

There are several ways to check if there’s any water seeping from the drainpipes or when you engage the plumbing. If, for instance, you suspect the toilet’s leaking, you can find out for sure by dropping some food coloring in the tank and keeping an eye out for colored water on the floor after you flush. Water might also be trickling down drainpipes or pooling under the floor – If you’re not comfortable in small spaces, or with boring inspection holes, a professional can certainly crawl under your house and check.

2. A spongy bathroom wall / floor could use some TLC!

If you’re watching a stain on your wall grow larger every day, it’s time to stop twiddling your thumbs and look for professional advice. But if the tiles are coming off, the paint is flaking off or the surface feels spongy to the touch, remodeling is way past due: the water’s already infiltrated your bathroom and you’ll want that fixed before it all comes crashing down!

3. Replacing faulty bathroom fixtures will save you hassle in the long run! (Not to mention, up your house’s resale price tag!)

Fixtures break or crack over time, or they can also come with cracks that aren’t instantly visible. Everything from wood-framed windows in the shower to metal fixtures near the sink will show their wear-and-tear over time. This can lead to water damage in and of itself, so don’t delay any further!

4. An outdated bathroom could use remodeling… yesterday!

You don’t need to bring in an interior designer to realize your bathroom is stuck in the last century, do you? If it’s plain to see that your faucets are worn out or just look old – the wrong kind of old too, we’re not talking vintage appeal here – then your bathroom’s due for a makeover. If the floor tiles scream modern/transitional but the shower tiles don’t match, or if the vanity you inherited with the house is an eye-sore, a professional designer will know how to fix it all up.

5. Special circumstances that trigger remodeling thoughts!

Maybe you’re looking to sell your house for an upgrade and the price assessment you got just doesn’t sound right. The bathroom look will factor prominently into the sale price, so it’s probably worth investing in it now for a hefty reward down the road. Or perhaps you need to add more square footage to your bathroom, a second sink for that special someone in your life, or even a shower bench for the elderly relative that comes to visit ever Christmas. Any of these situations will be reason enough to seriously consider remodeling.


If you're struggling with the decision to remodel, we’d be happy to help with our insight - just schedule a visit and we'll assess if there's a real need to revamp your bathroom! Call us and let’s sift through all the available home improvement lifehacks until we find the perfect fit for you!

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